aboutCyberWISE Globe BDG buttonUp buttonUp outputField submenu Prompt Field o to next page.age.imation. Backward Backward Forward Forward Print clearMenu Topics glossary \ V"f clearMenu k Force, Business2, Eraser n :PHYSSIZE Glossary :PHYSSIZE topics :PHYSSIZE submenu :PHYSSIZE Show Me Show Me print :PHYSSIZE clearP quickHelpPg d mail to someone? buttonUp buttonUp submenuName 2 Basic Services submenuPg This is a sample page. When you point to a button, an explanation of its function appears in the lower middle. Show Me buttons appear periodically and indicate when an animation is available. Features such as showing page numbers or hotwords are accessed from the menu bar. For greater detail concerning available features, refer to the Help section, which you can access either from the menu bar or by clicking on the Help button at the right. Click anywhere on this page to return to where you selected Quick Help....elp...... Quick Help How Do I Send Mail to Someone? quickHelpPg Globe BDG Form BGD buttonUp buttonUp B(i & "_2") i &"_2" B(i & "_1") B(i & "_1") buttonUp buttonUp 6V6<7 Please send us your comments . . . Name: Address: Email Address: State:s: Zip:e:s: Telephone:ess: company company address State email Telephone a new Internet user. a somewhat knowledgeable Internet user. a veteran Internet user. future products buttonUp buttonUp other other products grp other products other products other products grp other products other products Using Gopher Browsing the Web Joining a Newsgroup Searching Gopherspace Sending Email Using FTP Using Telnet Other sing Gopher Browsing the Web Joining a newsgroup Searching gopherspace Sending email Using FTP Using telnet Other Using Gopher Browsing the Web Joining a newsgroup Searching gopherspace Sending email Using FTP Using telnet Other Using Gopher Browsing the Web Joining a newsgroup Searching gopherspace Sending email Using FTP Using telnet Other Using Gopher Browsing the Web Joining a newsgroup Searching gopherspace Sending email Using FTP Using telnet Other Using Gopher Browsing the Web Joining a newsgroup Searching gopherspace Sending email Using FTP Using telnet Other $` ~# I am: Did you enjoy the product?s? Did you learn something?ses? Was it easy to use? courses? Would you buy other products? What should be covered in future CyberWISE products?? Did you like the glossary?s? Were the graphics helpful?s? Were the animations helpful? Was the text easy to read and understand?? Did you like the Topics Index??derstand?d? outputField Comment Form Company: RFC Page vQuestion(1) a new Internet user. vQuestion(2) vQuestion(3) vQuestion(4) vQuestion(5) vQuestion(6) vQuestion(7) vQuestion(8) vQuestion(9) vQuestion(10) Please send us your comments about Quick Tour of Internet In A Box . . . We want to hear from you. Once you have filled out the comment form, you can: Print it, then mail it to us at: SPRY, Inc. Technical Documentation 316 Occidental Avenue South Seattle, WA 98104 or fax it to us at: 206 447-9008 or email it to us at sprydocs@spry.com. The program has written a copy of the comment form to the file named RFC.TXT in the program directory. From: john overbaugh spry, inc., ltd. 836 sw city province Email address: Telephone: 1. I am 2. Did you enjoy the product? 3. Did you learn something? 4. Was it easy to use? 5. Would you buy other courses? 6. Was the text easy to read and understand? 7. Did you like the Topics Index? 8. Did you like the glossary? 9. Were the graphics helpful? 10. Were the animations helpful? What should be covered in future CyberWISE Products? covered in future CyberWISE Products? Other ns helpful? No What should be covered in future CyberWISE Products? Products? Using Gopher Joining a newsgroup Other Web and veronica buttonUp buttonUp Reset buttonUp buttonUp RFC.TXT fileExists RFC.TXT removeFile error deleting file RFCload.TXT fileExists RFCload.TXT removeFile error deleting file clearFields bookPath buttonUp buttonUp RFC.TXT fileExists RFC.TXT removeFile error deleting file RFCload.TXT fileExists RFCload.TXT removeFile error deleting file clearFields bookPath Clear buttonUp buttonUp aboutButtons aboutButtons Print buttonUp PrintIT buttonUp dsendDatatoFile RFC.txt RFC.txt Comment Form RFC.txt JRprintIT bookPath PrintIT Comment Form custom printerScaling buttonUp dsendDatatoFile RFC.txt RFC.txt Comment Form RFC.txt JRprintIT bookPath PrintIT Comment Form custom printerScaling buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp RFC help RFC help buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp :PHYSSIZE other products grp other products Type in other products that you would like covered. aboutButtons print buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp print :PHYSSIZE RFC Help buttonUp buttonUp dlgInit dlgBox dialog retValue dlgBox dialog retValue ctrlID dlgBox 524480,3,55,50,234,160,,,Instructions for Using This Form,8,Helv,,11.20,16.53,216.53,22.11,65,1342177280,130,We want to hear from you. Once you have filled out the comment form,0,ok,98.93,131.12,39.20,12.06,66,1342242816,128,OK,0,,26.13,42.67,194.13,82.42,126,1342177280,130,1. Print it by clicking on the Print button on the bottom of the form,0 dlgInit ,s65,We want to hear from you. Once you have filled out the comment form, you can: button ok,b66,FALSE ,s126,1. Print it by clicking on the Print button on the bottom of the form, then mail or fax it to us, or 2. Email it to us. When you exit the program, your form is saved to a file named "RFC.TXT" in the directory where the product is installed. You can copy the contents of this file or attach this file to your email message. terPage leavePage enterPage buttonUp enterPage goModule1 goModule1 goModule2 goModule2 Show Page Numbers moduleName2stat moduleName1stat leavePage Show Page Numbers buttonUp moduleName1pgNum moduleName2pgNum Forward Backward eatclicks goModule2 goModule1 moduleName2pgnum moduleName2stat module2 moduleName1pgnum moduleName1stat module1 bookPath courseName RFC Page Form BGD techSupport buttonUp buttonUp Getting Technical Support For Internet In A Box Read the on-line help Refer to The Whole Internet User's Guide and the Installation & Configuration Guide See the enhanced Troubleshooting section in the Installation & Configuration Guide (Chapter 5) Visit our on-line technical support home page: in SPRY Mosaic, connect to http://support.spry.com; this is a searchable database packed with information on configuring and using Internet In A Box Send us email: iboxtech@spry.com Call our fax-on-demand line: (206) 515-2998; stay on the line, and a live technician will take your call Chances are, if you're having a problem with Internet In A Box, it's something we've seen before. We try hard to make solutions to all recurring technical support issues available on-line or in the box. We strongly urge you to look for answers in the manuals and on-line before contacting Technical Support. It may save you time and money! How to get technical support: :PHYSSIZE techSupport System Times New Roman MS Sans Serif System MS Sans Serif System Times New Roman Internet Quick Tour A Box MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif Times New Roman Times New Roman System Times New Roman Times New Roman symbol :PRINTLAYOUT times new roman Sans Serif t :REPORTDATA Comment Form Comment Form enterPage mouseLeave sendDatatoFile mouseEnter leavePage clearFields enterPage RFCload.txt open error RFCload.txt error reading file RFCload.txt company Address state email telephone future Products other products other Products other Products Grp i:to1 caretLocation loadList No_Lines loadFile bookPath mouseEnter Returns to previously displayed page. reset Clears Comment Form. Instructions for using this form. print Sends data to file and prints out Comment Form. Exits program entirely. Go to Menu page. AboutButtons promptText promptTextInThisForm mouseLeave RFC Page aboutbuttons aboutButtons y"sendDatatoFile a new Internet user. a somewhat knowledgeable Internet user. a veteran Internet user. vQuestion vQuestion vQuestion RFC.TXT fileExists RFC.TXT removeFile error deleting file RFC.TXT RFC.TXT create error Please send us your comments about Quick Tour of Internet In A Box . . . We want to hear from you. Once you have filled out the comment form, you can: Print it, then mail it to us at: SPRY, Inc. Technical Documentation 316 Occidental Avenue South Seattle, WA 98104 or fax it to us at: 206 447-9008 or email it to us at sprydocs@spry.com. The program has written a copy of the comment form to the file named RFC.TXT in the program directory. RFC.TXT From: RFC.TXT company RFC.TXT address RFC Page address RFC.TXT state RFC.TXT RFC.TXT Email address: email RFC.TXT Telephone: telephone RFC.TXT 1. I am RFC.TXT 2. Did you enjoy the product? vQuestion RFC.TXT 3. Did you learn something? vQuestion RFC.TXT 4. Was it easy to use? vQuestion RFC.TXT 5. Would you buy other courses? vQuestion RFC.TXT 6. Was the text easy to read and understand? vQuestion RFC.TXT 7. Did you like the Topics Index? vQuestion RFC.TXT 8. Did you like the glossary? vQuestion RFC.TXT 9. Were the graphics helpful? vQuestion RFC.TXT 10. Were the animations helpful? vQuestion RFC.TXT What should be covered in future CyberWISE Products? RFC.TXT future Products future products future products future products RFC.TXT other Products other products RFC.TXT RFC.TXT RFC.TXT open error RFCload.TXT fileExists RFCload.TXT removeFile error deleting file RFCload.TXT RFCload.TXT create error RFCload.TXT company RFCload.TXT company RFCload.TXT address RFCload.TXT address RFCload.TXT state RFCload.TXT RFCload.TXT email RFCload.TXT telephone RFCload.TXT a new Internet user. RFCload.TXT a somewhat knowledgeable Internet user. RFCload.TXT a veteran Internet user. RFCload.TXT RFCload.TXT vQuestion RFCload.TXT vQuestion RFCload.TXT RFCload.TXT future Products future Products RFCload.TXT future Products RFCload.TXT RFCload.TXT Other Products other products RFCload.TXT RFCload.TXT RFCload.TXT open error default vQuestion6 vQuestion7 vQuestion8 vQuestion9 vQuestion10 vQuestion1 vQuestion2 vQuestion3 vQuestion4 vQuestion5 bookPath leavePage dsendDatatoFile clearFields clearFields Company Address State Email telephone future Products future Products other Products other products other products grp :PHYSSIZE For More Information About SPRY, Inc. Products: For More Information About Internet In A Box: Visit our WWW home page: http://www.spry.com/sp_prod/ibox/ib_home.html Send us email: info@spry.com Call us at 1-800-557-9614 Visit our WWW home page: http://www.spry.com/sp_prod/index.html Send us email: info@spry.com Call us at 1-800-SPRY-NETTTTTom/sp_prod/index.html Send us email: info@spry.com Call us at 1-800-SPRY-NETTTTTl: info@spry.com Call us at 1-800-SPRY-NET For More Information About Other SPRY Products, Including Our Office Solution Suite: Visit our WWW home page: http://www.spry.com/sp_prod/index.html Send us email: info@spry.com Call us at 1-800-SPRY-NETTT-9614 Visit our WWW home page: http://www.spry.com/sp_prod/index.html Send us email: info@spry.com Call us at 1-800-SPRY-NETTTTTom/sp_prod/index.html Send us email: info@spry.com Call us at 1-800-SPRY-NETTTTTl: info@spry.com Call us at 1-800-SPRY-NET buttonUp buttonUp Splash BGD forward buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp outputField :PHYSSIZE enterBackground enterBackground RFCload.txt open error RFCload.txt error reading file RFCload.txt Company Address state email telephone future Products other products other Products other Products Grp loadAddress loadList No_Lines loadFile bookPath Menu1 buttonUp buttonUp Forward Backward eatclicks bookPath courseName buttonUp Forward Backward eatclicks bookPath courseName click to cont txt Click on the Forward button to continue. Copyright Spry, Inc. 199555555555 Forward Forward :PHYSSIZE Menu1 Splash BGD goModule1 goModule2 backward backward Click on a topic for more information. PrintButton buttonUp buttonUp dlgInit dlgBox dialog button printButton getValue button allButton getValue button onePageButton getValue button rangeButton getValue edit fromValue getValue edit toValue getValue edit fromValue getValue edit toValue getValue edit fromValue getValue retValue prtPages ) + 1) buttonUp buttonUp dlgInit dlgBox dialog button printButton getValue button allButton getValue button onePageButton getValue button rangeButton getValue edit fromValue getValue edit toValue getValue edit fromValue getValue edit toValue getValue edit fromValue getValue retValue prtPages dlgInit button printButton,b16,TRUE button cancelButton,b17,FALSE ,s18,Page range: button onepageButton,b7,FALSE button allButton,b5,FALSE button rangeButton,b8,FALSE iedit fromValue,i21, iedit toValue,i22, ,s25,To: dlgBox 524480,9,30,20,148,132,,,Print Pages,8,Helv,printButton,28.00,96.04,42.90,18.09,16,1342242816,128,Print,0,cancelButton,82.06,96.04,42.93,18.09,17,1342242816,128,Cancel,0,,20.53,18.67,48.38,10.71,18,1342177280,130,Page range:,0,onepageButton,24.27,34.75,68.88,9.68,7,1342177289,128,This page only,0,allButton,24.27,50.05,91.47,10.46,5,1342177289,128,All pages of this module,0,rangeButton,24.23,65.89,29.90,9.07,8,1342177289,128,From:,0,fromValue,56.00,65.89,22.40,12.06,21,1350631552,129,,0,toValue,97.60,66.67,24.27,12.06,22,1350631552,129,,0,,82.06,67.90,13.14,9.07,25,1342177280,130,To:,0 ctrlID PrintButton goModule2 A Tour of the Internet goModule1 A Tour of the Internet Touring with Internet In A Box goModule2 Touring with Internet In A Box goModule1 :PHYSSIZE goModule2 :PHYSSIZE ystem enterBook author enterSystem initMenus enterSystem toolbook initMenus tbook tour.ico login bookPath courseName enterBook author The scripts in this book have been removed and cannot be viewed. Any attempt to edit a script for an object may damage the book. initMenus &File Clear Placemarks Printer Setup Print Pages Ctrl+P Print Ctrl+X &Page &Next Ctrl+Right P&rev Ctrl+Left &First Ctrl+Up &Last Ctrl+Down &Back Shift+F2 &History Ctrl+F2 Show Page Numbers show Page Numbers Show Hotwords &Topics &Topics Ctrl+T Topics Topics &Glossary &Glossary Ctrl+G Glossary Glossary To Learn &More About &CyberWISE Products CyberWISE To Learn More About &SPRY Products To Learn More About &Technical Support TechSupport To Learn More &Your Comments &Send Us Your Comments Your Comments &Help How to Use This Product About This Product About The Saratoga Group sizetopage aboutCyberWISE outputField menu4 yberWISE :PHYSSIZE Internet Learning Productsssssssssssssss Order CyberWISE products today to learn how to use powerful Internet tools and join the millions of people using the Internet for fun, entertainment, research, and profit......... Button :PHYSSIZE Learn how to browse multimedia web sites for fun, interest, and research. How to Use the World Wide WebnetM Button :PHYSSIZE Learn how to use electronic mail, mailing lists, address books, and more. How to Use Email on the Internet Button :PHYSSIZE Learn how to search Internet sites for the information you want.research. How to Find Things on the Internet Button :PHYSSIZE A reference tool for quick look up of Internet information. and research. The Internet Reference Desk call 1-800-893-8008, ext. 157 or connect to our Web site at: http://www.cyberwise.commmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm To Order: Order all four products to get a special discount!!!!!!!!!!! buttonUp buttonUp aboutTSG buttonUp buttonUp tbkdlg.dll dialog setValue getValue dlgInit dlgBox dialog retValue Value dlgBox ", "") buttonUp buttonUp tbkdlg.dll dialog setValue getValue dlgInit dlgBox dialog retValue dlgInit ,b5,FALSE ,s7,The Saratoga Group has built its reputation building learning products that make complex technical subjects easy to understand. In addition to CyberWISE products for the Internet, we market a complete line of computer-based training courses on a variety of technical subjects. ,s8,The Saratoga Group 12980 Saratoga Avenue, Suite E Saratoga, CA 95070 We invite your questions and comments . . . Email us at cyberwise@cyberwise.com come visit us at http://www.cyberwise.com dlgBox 524480,3,50,40,243,184,,,About The Saratoga Group,8,Helv,,93.45,158.36,50.86,12.31,5,1342242816,128,OK,0,,9.45,13.62,229.60,42.22,7,1342177280,130,The Saratoga Group has built its reputation building learning products that make complex technical subjects easy to understand. In addition to CyberWISE products for the Internet,0,,18.67,63.14,199.70,84.43,8,1342177281,130,The Saratoga Group 12980 Saratoga Avenue,0 ctrlID finalExit buttonUp buttonUp ThisProduct buttonUp buttonUp tbkdlg.dll dialog setValue getValue dlgInit dlgBox dialog retValue Value dlgBox ", "") buttonUp buttonUp tbkdlg.dll dialog setValue getValue dlgInit dlgBox dialog retValue dlgInit ,s65,Copyright 1995, SPRY, Inc. Copyright 1995, The Saratoga Group CyberWISE is a trademark of The Saratoga Group. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Portions Copyright 1992, Asymetrix Corporation Included in this product are graphics and clipart images from: Lee Porter, COLOR.GRF Designs; Totem Graphics, Inc.; Federal Clip Art Library by One Mile Up; The Corel Corporation; Earth Photos by NASA, distributed under a copyright by Aris Entertainment, 1991. This tutorial features the applications in Internet In A Box Version 2.0. Written by John Overbaugh and Dana Armstrong. Developed by: Debra Savage, Nan Bowman, Ruoyun Zhang. button ok,b66,FALSE dlgBox 524480,2,30,20,263,168,,,About This Product,8,Helv,,1.71,4.59,257.60,135.51,65,1342177281,130,Copyright 1995,0,ok,112.00,141.62,39.20,12.06,66,1342242816,128,OK,0 `!ctrlID menu4 $+OZKZO KOIOKGGE%$ ""$"$$ )GIZKOZOOK OKOZOOK )GOKZZKOO KGKGK )*OPOO*) "#"$$" $$D%D$ %GOHOOKOKZ OKOKOKZO *KZKOZOKOK ZOKOOGGIGG EGE)G)EGD) E$E$" EDEE$%($%$ KOKZOKOKOO ZIZOKZ GZOZOKOKOZ OKOGKGIGGI EE*FE%DE$D D$E$$)DGDE IIGOHOOKOK OZKOZOKOK +ZKOKOZK OKOKOOKOIG EGE*GDE)D% )D%$D$ ""#$"$ "$%$$EE%EE IGGHIOKKOZ OZKOKOKOZO $ZKOKOOK OZOKOZKGOG EE)E)DED D$E$$D) IOHIOOKOKO OKOKZOKZ OKOZOKZOKO KZOKOOKOGI EGEE)*EDE $!" 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